
Errata - User Registration fix - SCHLIX CMS v2.1.3 build #4

We have released SCHLIX CMS v2.1.3-4 (build #4) to fix a bug in the user registration process where the email was not queued properly.

Errata - SCHLIX CMS v2.1.3 build #3 fix for older PHP 5.5

Since this release (v2.1.3 ~ build #1 and #2) was tested mainly was PHP7 and PHP5.6, apparently there were some stuff that were incompatible with the older version of PHP5.5.

We have fixed this issue and released build #3 for SCHLIX CMS v2.1.3.

SCHLIX CMS 2.1.3 has been released


SCHLIX CMS v2.1.3 has been released. This is a maintenance release and an upgrade to this version is required before the upcoming Newsletters application can be used.

  • Fixed: Email template will send nothing if there's no variable declared
  • Fixed: Email queue gets another field for more accurate hourly mail calculation
  • Fixed: CRON scheduler not recognizing available static methods in subsite directory, only system
  • Fixed: CodeMirror CSS directory was incorrectly named as themes
  • Fixed: After installation, set all directory as user-writable
  • Updated: TinyMCE to v4.6.4


Upcoming official Newsletters extension for SCHLIX CMS

As mentioned in late January, we were planning on developing Newsletters extension (type: both application and block) for SCHLIX CMS. This plan is about to materialize before the end of June 2017 and this will be the largest SCHLIX CMS extension as of this year.

Some features that will soon be available by the end of June:

  • Fully logged subscribe, unsubscribe and email change requests.
  • All express consent are retained indefinitely to meet  CAN-SPAM Act and CASL (Canada's anti-spam legislation) requirements.
  • Custom fields
  • Import from PHPList

This is a fully functional extension and it is capable of handling 100,000 users and even more. This extension is also a proof of concept about how to develop a complex application in SCHLIX CMS. We are currently performing additional testing before releasing it at the end of June 2017.

Here's some more screenshot of the Newsletters extension:

Custom Fields

SCHLIX Custom Fields

Subscriber Details

Newsletters Edit User

Event log

Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: please note that while we strive for this Newsletters extension to be compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act as well as CASL (Canada's anti-spam legislation), it is your organization's responsibility to ensure that you meet the requirement (e.g. retention of CASL consent record, etc).

SCHLIX CMS 2.1.2 has been released

SCHLIX CMS v2.1.2 (build #1) has been released today. This is mainly a bugfix release. Changes:

  • Fixed: Drag and drop cursor on items was not using the "move" cursor (CSS)
  • Fixed: Menu item could not be dragged (Menus)
  • Fixed: Menu status could not be changed (Menus)
  • Fixed: Macro config was not returned correctly and thus saved macro config was not executed
  • Fixed: Search button in /search was not coded properly
  • Fixed: Double notification after extension installation was fixed
  • Fixed: Backend datatable rows per page Javascript event was not firing properly
  • Fixed: PHP7 only - preg_match_all PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR while loading configuration file (config.template.php) in the backend
  • Updated: TinyMCE to v4.6.1
  • Enhancement: File upload now detects max server upload size (Media Manager, Bootstrap Slideshow) before the files are sent
  • Enhancement: Media manager will sort by directory first
  • Enhancement: Backend search function in all applications

Download it here.

SCHLIX CMS v2.1.1 released

Today we'releasing SCHLIX CMS v2.1.1. The changes are mostly minor, except for the WYSIWYG editor profile, which was mentioned in the previous post. The user interface has received a cosmetic update: the Applications menu now list the application name in alphabetical sort order instead of the unsorted application virtual filename. The system fonts have also been updated with Open Sans Light and Source Sans Pro Light. We've decided to remove the SVG fonts for legacy iOS as well as EOT for legacy Internet Explorer (version 9 and below).

With CodeMirror being a standalone editor instead of just as an embedded source editor for TinyMCE/CKEditor, we can use this feature to enable editing of theme PHP, CSS, and Javascript files on the site without having to use a desktop editor in the near future, perhaps by the end of the year. This means that eventually you can edit the theme files in SCHLIX CMS with a web-based editor and you won't have to be dependent on them. We're also planning on adding Ace Editor as an extension soon.

With the editor profile customization options for power users, we have now completed the third goal for this year. Therefore, the changes to the core SCHLIX CMS from now on will be minimal for the rest of the year (just bug fixes) and development effort will be focused on adding more extensions.

Download v2.1.1 (build #3)

Upcoming 2.1.1 release: multiple WYSIWYG editor profiles and bug fixes

SCHLIX CMS v2.1.1 will be released some time this or next week. The most exciting change on this release is multiple and advanced WYSIWYG configuration, aimed at power users. You can now customize CKEditor, TinyMCE, and CodeMirror and specify advanced configuration options, in addition to drag and drop based toolbar arrangement. Also, in addition to being the default source editor for TinyMCE and CKEditor, you can also set it as a standalone editor.

Multiple WYSIWYG Editor Profiles

SCHLIX CMS multiple WYSIWYG editor profile
SCHLIX CMS global WYSIWYG profile

Screenshot of detailed customization of WYSIWYG editor in SCHLIX CMS:

SCHLIX CMS advanced editor settings


Screenshot of WYSIWYG editor toolbar drag and drop configuration in SCHLIX CMS:

SCHLIX CMS advanced editor settings

Screenshot of Code Mirror with Monokai theme

Code Mirror with Monokai theme

Other than this, there are a few minor bug fixes in the user interface as well as search function (thanks to Tom ~ read the bug report in the forum).

SCHLIX CMS v2.1.0 released

As mentioned in late January, we wanted to provide better blogging built-in capability in SCHLIX CMS. Today, SCHLIX CMS v2.1.0 has been released with improvements focused mainly in its blogging application. The most significant change in this release is multi-category in blog posts. Blog posts can now be assigned to multiple categories as well as tags. For each blog post, the canonical URL will be set to its primary category that you assign. Tagging was also introduced as well to make it on par with other blogging platforms. Introductory picture and secondary heading are also now built-in within blog app. We have also added "blogarchive" block and added caching options for production environment to reduce the SQL query to the database.

SCHLIX v2.1.0 new frontpage - PHP CMS
SCHLIX v2.1.0 alternative blog layout

We also added a "samplemagazine" theme (first screenshot). The html5demo (second screenshot) theme was also slightly modified. More blog posts samples were added and some sample elements that still included v1.x series screenshots have been changed.

Other improvements include update of TinyMCE v4.5.4 and a new Landing Pages app. TinyMCE's default configuration was changed and media_dimensions option was set to false since it keeps interfering with responsive images. Landing Pages is an option to have a single-page website (like a brochure). It is set as the default if you install SCHLIX CMS with the sample data option turned on. Otherwise, Web Pages (html) is still the default frontend application. Please note that Landing Pages do not have the same benefit as Web Pages in term of search engine optimization. To change the default frontend application, you can configure this under the Global System Configuration menu on the backend admin welcome page.

When we first released SCHLIX CMS v2.0.x series, there was a minor regression with UTF-8 virtual file name. It could not be used at all and there were conflicts. This has been fixed in v2.1.x series.

SCHLIX CMS new blog layout

Another improvement is we added two options for menu item: menu divider and submenu placeholder We have added them to the sample data option so you know how to use them.

Download v2.1.0 now (v2.1.0 release 2)

Plan for the first half of 2017

SCHLIX CMS has evolved from its 1.x days as the development was restarted in June 2016. Overall, it is much more user friendly and the performance is much better. The development still continues, so here's our plan for the first half of 2017 based on feedback from content writers and web designers.

  • More extensions (currently we only have about 25 apps/macros/blocks), this number is still very low and it will change soon.
  • Integrated Market app where you can install/uninstall extension automatically. Developers can also submit their extensions.
  • Changeable backend admin theme so you can add your own logo (done).
  • Configurable WYSIWYG editor options with customization for each user group.
  • Newsletter app for marketing capabilities. This should be done before October 2017.
  • Better blogging capability with multi categories and better tagging.

If you have more ideas on how we can improve the system, drop us a line in our forum.

Thank you to those who keep using SCHLIX CMS! In the mean time, we have recently released v2.0.7 (a minor bugfix, specifically for ISPConfig 3 based install with a few other minor bug fixes).

First Docker image of SCHLIX CMS has been released

The first Docker image of SCHLIX CMS has been released. You can view our repository here:

The image is running Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache 2.4, PHP7, MySQL5.7 and you can either use the command line or Kitematic (Docker Toolbox) to install it. When you pull the image, it will install the latest version of SCHLIX CMS. The minimum version compatible with Docker is v2.0.6, which has been released alongside with this Docker image.

To install the image with Kitematic, simply search for SCHLIX, and then click Create.

Docker installation

The image will then be downloaded to your machine:

Docker installation

Follow the installation instruction in the Container Logs:

Docker Kitematic log

Then once you are done, click on Web Preview. You can configure the ports here:

Docker Port