
v2.0.0ALPHA release next week

After a few months of delays, v2.0.0ALPHA will be released next week. This is a major change.

Some new features:

  • Uses Twitter Bootstrap 3.x by default
  • Better email queue handling for large email distribution
  • Multi site features in a single installation
  • Refactored many old functions
  • Server-side tag for config to make it easier for configuration. e.g.

Stay tuned for the next one.

Upcoming update by October 2015

This website is being revamped and a new version of this software will be released by October 2015.

Stay tuned...

Schlix v1.2.6b has been released

This is a minor fix release.

Changes include:

  • Fixed the Installer if there's no SHOW DATABASE permission
  • Fixed - user editor not showing the user groups
  • Fixed - menu editor not showing the item it linked to and the navigation tree was null

Download now: v1.2.6b

CPanel phishing scam alert

Hello folks,

This is an unrelated news to any of Schlix CMS, however we feel that it's quite important to know before you or your users inadvertently click the link in the email and enter your CPanel credentials. DO NOT click the link in the e-mail.

This is what the e-mail is like:

From: cPanel Admin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:50 AM
To: ---------------------
Subject: Problem with your webhosting account - ---------------------

Dear ---------------,

Your webhosting account has been transmitting viruses to our servers and will be deactivated permanently if not resolved.

You are urgently required to sanitize your webhosting account with Norton FTP Scanner; otherwise, your access to 
webhosting services will be deactivated 

Click here now to scan and sanitize your webhosting account

Note that failure to sanitize your webhosting account immediately will lead to permanent deactivation without warning.

We are very sorry for the inconveniences this might have caused you and we assure you that everything will return to 
normal as soon as you have sanitized your webhosting account.

cPanel Admin

Schlix v1.2.6 with new features

Schlix v1.2.6 has been released with new features:

  • Google Analytics block included by default (you can place this in the header and add displayBlock('header') in your site template.
  • Filters to add block by position or by block name and banned IP filter
    New Schlix Filters
  • New backend user interface
    New Settings

If you have installed an earlier version of Schlix CMS, please download and install the new Auto Updater v1.0. This will make your upgrading task so much easier.

Schlix Updater

Also, a few extensions that were incompatible with Schlix after the migration from the old BabyGekko CMS has been fixed as of May 20, 2013  except OpenUsers, LDAP Users, and SMF Users. Those extensions are still broken and they are work in progress.

Upcoming UI changes for June 2013

In June 2013, we will release a new and updated Schlix CMS with many under the hood changes including more options for search engine optimizations.

Here's a preview of the new UI for the backend:

Schlix v1.2.6 preview

Schlix v1.2.5 has been released

Schlix  v1.2.5 has been released. This is our first release since the rebranding from BabyGekko to Schlix. You can download it from here.

List of fixes and new features:

  • Updated TinyMCE to the latest version
  • Fixed scheduler from v1.2.4 release
  • Breadcrumb provides an incorrect link if there's nothing set in the httpbase (e.g: if your site is located in the root folder instead of subfolder like /site)