
Generic package

 Download v2.2.9-1 | Size: 10.56 Mb
SHA1: 108c98daa281dadeca091126b9241ccd7643596c

Note: if you are upgrading, please use the automatic updater from Settings ยป System Update and your site including all its multi-sites will be upgraded automatically. System update will not change anything in your subsite (/web) directory

If this is your first time, please read the recommended system requirement and Installation instruction. If you have any questions, please use our support forum.

Release note (2025 March 17)


  • While SCHLIX CMS is currently still backward compatible with PHP 5.6 (which already reached its end of life in 2018), due to the changes in the recently released PHP 8.4, backward compatibility with PHP 5.6 may no longer be guaranteed next year.
  • PHP 8.4 compatibility fix #1 session handler add ReturnTypeWillChange while maintaining PHP 5.6 backward compatibility as session_set_save_handler() with more than two arguments are deprecated
  • PHP 8.4 compatibility fix #2: Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated in skins library
  • Fixed - minor issue with search box type (button vs submit)
  • Updated - Mesage for database error handling
  • Updated - Added "php_flag short_open_tag off" in .htaccess
  • Updated - PHPMailer 6.7.1 to v6.9.3
  • Updated - HTMLPurifier 4.15 to v4.18
  • Updated - jstz 1.0.6 to v2.1.1
  • Updated - Composer 1.10 to v2.20.25 (LTS). Tested on PHP 8.4 as well with E_DEPRECATED silenced.
  • Updated - Bootstrap 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 with our own custom fixes.
  • Updated - Bootstrap 3.4.1 to 3.4.6 with fixes from

Packages for various platforms


Available SCHLIX CMS version: 2.2.8-1.

Softaculous is a script installer for cPanel, Direct Admin, Plesk, H-Sphere, Interworx server. In addition to Softaculous, SCHLIX CMS can also be installed in one click via their other product families: Webuzo and AMPPS. You can use AMPPS for your local development on Mac OS X and Windows.

Netenberg Fantastico F3

Available SCHLIX CMS version: 2.2.8-1.

Netenberg Fantastico F3 is an automated web script installer for CPanel and non-Cpanel server.

Microsoft IIS/PHP

Please note that Windows Web App Gallery has been discontinued as of July 1, 2021.

Available SCHLIX CMS version: 2.2.6-4 (IIS).

Get it from Microsoft Windows Web Gallery.

SCHLIX CMS is one of the few CMS that made it to Microsoft Windows Web App Gallery back in 2012.

Minimum configuration: IIS 7.x, PHP 5.6/MySQL 5.5. Recommended configuration: IIS 8.x, PHP 7.x/MySQL 5.7. Tested on Windows 10 and 2012R2. Please note that URL Rewrite 2 for IIS must also be installed. When you use Microsoft Web Platform Installer, it will be automatically installed as well.

AWS Marketplace

Available SCHLIX CMS version: 2.2.1-3.

Free tier available. Simple image (no load balancing, no redundancy). Amazon AWS Cloud Formation, AMI.


Available SCHLIX CMS version: latest.

We have created a sample docker container and the build is running Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.7 as well as 16.04.1 LTS with PHP 7.1 and MySQL 5.7.

APS Standard

APS Standard package has been deprecated since APS will be discontinued.

Additional Information

SCHLIX CMS is 100% free for both commercial and non-commercial projects [GPLv3]. It has been tested on Apache 2.2 and 2.4 on BSD/OS X//Solaris/Windows 2008/2012R2/Linux (Centos and Oracle 7.x, OpenSuSE LEAP 42.x, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with PHP5.6 and PHP7.x with MySQL 5.5+. It is compatible with CPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, H-Sphere, Interworx, VestaCP and ISPConfig. Note: for IIS version, please only use the one officially listed in Microsoft Windows Web App Gallery above.

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