SCHLIX CMS v2.2.3-1 is now available
SCHLIX CMS v2.2.3-1 has been released. This is a minor update release that fixes a few minor bugs and typos. We are still developing the Schtore e-commerce extension (will be done in September) and this update is required before the extension can be used.
- Some highlights:
- Visual - menu appearance on the backend admin
- Composer packages can now be installed (comand line option has been removed). Please note that PHAR is required
- PHP 8.0 compatibility issue (str_contains, str_starts_with, str_ends_with)
- For developers:
- cmsCurl and cmsXMLTool class. This is used to handle web service calls for the upcoming e-commerce extension, mostly for payment and shipping.
- Javascript class ___$HTML and ___$INPUT to create html string tags programmatically. SCHLIX.Util.escapeHTML now has a shortcut ___h, similar to the PHP one.