March 2025 - PHP 8.4 compatibility release

SCHLIX CMS v2.2.9 has been released. This release mainly updates the code to be compatible with PHP 8.4 while still maintaining compatibilities with PHP 8.0 - 8.3, PHP 7.0 - 7.4, and PHP 5.6.

Some notable changes:

  • Bootstrap 3.4.1 javascript has been updated to v3.4.6 (by with CVE-2024-6484 (low risk XSS cross site scripting bug)
  • Bootstrap 4.6.2 javascript has been updated to v4.6.3 with our own custom fix for CVE-2024-6531 (low risk XSS cross site scripting bug)
  • A small change in the way of session handling due to PHP 8.4's change of session_set_save_handler(). This change should still be compatible with PHP 5.6.
  • We've disabled short_open_tag for all new default installation (doesn't affect old installation - please manually update by yourself) for better security.
  • PHPMailer 6.7.1 to v6.9.3
  • HTMLPurifier 4.15 to v4.18
You can download this new release here. To upgrade your existing installation, simply click Settings - System Update. If you encounter any bugs or have any questions, simply post it in the forum.
Category:  Release