Inherited from cmsApplication_CategorizedList

Protected Attributes
protected | $element_ul_class | |
protected | $element_li | |
protected | $element_ul | |
protected | $submenu_icon | |
protected | $tmpstore | = [] |
Protected Methods
protected | setOutputHTMLElements() |
Public Methods
public | __construct() |
public | refreshAllMenuLinks($force=false) |
public | getMenuArrayByCategoryID($category_id, $active_only=false) |
public array | modifyDataValuesBeforeSaveItem(array $datavalues) |
public | onAfterSaveItem(array $datavalues, $original_datavalues, $previous_item, array $retval) |
Public Static Methods
public static -1 if it's not anywhere, or an integer of the menu id | getCurrentMenuID() |
public static -1 if it's not anywhere, or an integer of the menu id | getCurrentMenuInformation() |