Public Static Methods
public static | Tag($element, $content='', $attributes=[], $cleanup=false) |
public static | OpenTag($element, $attributes=[], $close_right_away=false) |
public static | CloseTag($element) |
public static | H1($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | H2($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | H3($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | H4($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | H5($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | H6($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | BR($attributes=[]) |
public static | HR($attributes=[]) |
public static | IMG($src, $attributes=[]) |
public static | P($text) |
public static | PRE($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | TITLE($text) |
public static | CODE($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | STRONG($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | EM($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | LI($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | A($text, $link, $attributes=[]) |
public static | I($text='', $attributes=[]) |
public static | SPAN($text, $attributes=[]) |
public static | LI_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | LI_end() |
public static | I_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | I_end() |
public static | SPAN_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | SPAN_end() |
public static | DIV_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | DIV_end() |
public static | UL_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | UL_end() |
public static | OL_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | OL_end() |
public static | FIELDSET_start() |
public static | FIELDSET_end() |
public static | LEGEND($text) |
public static | FORM_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | FORM_end() |
public static | TABLE_start($attributes=[]) |
public static | TABLE_end() |
public static | TR_start() |
public static | TR_end() |
public static | TD_start() |
public static | TD_end() |
public static | TH_start() |
public static | TH_end() |
public static | TR($text) |
public static | TH($text) |
public static | TD($text) |
public static | LABEL($label, $input, $before=true, $attributes=[]) |
public static | LABEL_FOR($label, $input, $attributes=[]) |
public static | LABEL_Start($attributes=[]) |
public static | LABEL_end() |
public static type | CSS(type $local_css_file_relative_path, type $extra_attributes=[]) Adds a locally hosted CSS file
public static type | CSS_EXTERNAL(string $any_url, array $extra_attributes=[]) Adds a CSS Link tag. You can add type such as media, etc to the extra attr
public static string | JAVASCRIPT_TEXT() Returns a script tag. Parameter is a Javascript text Accepts multiple parameter
public static string | JAVASCRIPT_EXTERNAL() Returns a script tag. Parameter is an external Javascript URL Accepts multiple parameter